Monday, September 30, 2013


So, Penny, one of my guinea pigs was sneezing a bit last week.  Nothing progressed so I assumed she was fine.  I even told the vet not to worry about getting any medicine for her because she's fine.  She might still be fine, but why is it after I tell the VET she's fine does she sneeze 10 times in a minute?!  Could it just be the hay irritating her?  UGH UGH UGH UGH!!!

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Epic Kitty Battle

Here is a video of two of my cats.  Goo is a bob-tailed Snowshoe breed.  He also only has one eye.  He had to have an eye surgically removed when he was a kitten.  Isobel is a fluffy firecracker.  They are fighting to the death (just kidding) in this video.  We would never let them actually hurt one another, and we doubt they would seriously ever hurt one another.

So Much To Talk About.

Where to begin?  I have decided to create a blog because I have a lot on my mind.

Number One. 

For the past three months I have been in a horrendous IC flare.  What is IC?  Interstitial Cystitis, it's a chronic bladder disease. I was diagnosed seven years ago, but it hasn't gotten REALLY bad up until the past few years.  There is no cure. So, unless they find a cure at some point, I get to live with this joyous disease for the rest of my life. 

For the past three months, I have felt like I've had a urinary tract infection.  However, every time I visit the doctor, "your urine is clear, no infection".  So I get to live with the awful burning, irritation, leg cramps, peeing every ten minutes, and back pain, until it decides to go away on its own.

I think I finally might be seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.  The past week hasn't been too bad.  I also started pelvic floor physical therapy a few weeks ago.  I don't want to go into the details right at this moment, but I am hoping it helps me. 

Number Two.

I have two new pet guinea pigs.  My husband and I have had them for a little over a month now.  They have been sick with respiratory infections and had to be on antibiotics.  They are still sneezing, and I'm annoyed, and worried.  Other than the sneezing they are acting fine though. 

Number Three.

I know I am fascinating you far.  I'm just going to stop for now.  More to come, including more peppiness, instead of blah blah blah I have IC depressing-ness.  This is'nt called Random Rumblings for nothing.